Quieting Lies + Mending Hearts

Broken hearts are hard to mend. Years of lies spoken into trusting ears are hard to un-hear. Wounded souls only belong in one place…the hands of a kind and loving Savior.

I sat today with ears bent on listening to whatever words were shared because sometimes just getting it out in the open helps the healing to begin. I listened while tears formed in the corners of her eyes and then streamed down her face without hesitation. I made lunch to feed our bodies and prayed the power of Jesus to feed our souls.

Her heart is broken. Her future is uncertain. Her mind is full of mess that will take time to sift through. BUT…Her spirit is resolute on believing the promises of God.

She is stronger than she knows because God is within her. She is braver than she realizes because she has stared fear straight in the eyes and taken steps forward anyway. She is smarter than she will ever give herself credit for because she has figured out how to get two steps ahead. She will come out on the other side of this because she knows that not a day has passed where she wasn’t fully seen, fully loved, and fully protected by the Almighty Himself.

This woman, whom I love and hold dear, has struggled and prayed, overcome and prayed some more, been knocked down again and still finds the strength to trust the Lord and open her hands to Him. She opened her heart to love and instead found someone bent on control and hurt.

But the story is not over.

My prayer for her is that beneath the lies she has heard…she will recognize the truth of who God says she is; beneath the control placed on her…she will recognize true surrender before the Lord; beneath the brokenness of her heart…she will uncover the beauty of a soul put back together by a redeeming God.

And that is my sincere and persistent prayer for every heart broken and wounded by the hands of man.

If you find yourself saying “It shouldn’t be like this!” when the words are twisted and the shame-filled lies are frequent…you are not what they say you are.

If you find yourself saying “I can’t live like this!” when the yelling ensues and the name calling persists…you are not what they say you are.


If you find yourself saying “Why can’t you just love me?” when the temper erupts and the hateful words spew…you are not what they say you are.

You are a sincerely LOVED child of God.

You are beautifully FASHIONED by the Creator of the universe.

You are an overcomer EQUIPPED with the armor of God.

You are a broken person being HELD together by the blood of the Lamb.

You are fully SEEN by the God who sees all of humanity in this very moment.

You are CHOSEN and FAVORED by the Savior of the world.

You are more than a CONQUEROR because of Jesus.

You are RIGHTEOUS because of the righteousness of Christ.


When the lies ring loud in your ears…let the truth ring louder in your heart.

We are only defined by the words of the One who made us…and this is who He says that we are.

If you, or someone you love, is in an emotionally unhealthy relationship, have the courage to believe who God says that you are and seek help today.



© Dani Hardy, July 17, 2019



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