Beautiful Diversity
Extreme beauty lies in the diversity among us and it requires more celebration than it ever receives.
Today, I sit quietly in the corner booth of a popular lunch spot and eye the beauty of humanity.
Droves of people enter, order, eat, and leave this quiet restaurant while carrying on the gloriously mundane tasks of an ordinary day. It is amazing what can be seen in people when you simply slow down enough to notice.
I have seen friends come together to commune over bagels or soup with the recanting of the week’s events. I have heard laughter erupt out of mouths and have seen tears wiped from the corners of eyes. I have seen hands held tightly over prayer and pats given on shoulders.
I have witnessed people meander in alone, sit quietly reading the paper, or gaze out the window as they sip sweet tea. I have seen journals overflowing with notes, computers with busy tapping, and untouched books sitting on tables.
I have seen perfectly ironed clothes and those permanently wrinkled by the day. I have seen the unfolding of stories and the telling of tales.
People of differing gender, age, race, financial status, and educational background have walked through this restaurant today and I can’t help but smile. I smile because the realization that we are far more alike than we are different is the beauty I believe God intended in the diversity of our appearances and preferences.
My eyes will always see the color of skin, the wrinkles of time, and the image of gender…but my heart will choose to celebrate and honor the differences among people rather than pretend they don’t exist.
The diversity among us was never intended to separate us, but rather to draw our eyes to the creativity of our Maker and the beauty that He finds in all of His creation.
If you have ever gazed upon a color-filled sunset and reveled at the marvelous hand of a creative Master, then how can you not gaze upon a color-filled room of people without finding the same wonder and amazement at the creativity and love of our Father?
We are not called to criticize or judge or compare; we are called to love one another. Truly loving others requires a selfless affection for the Father that provides us with the grace we need to love beyond ourselves.
There is no variance in the value of a soul based on age, gender, race, sexuality, finances, education, or religious beliefs. Every soul matters to Christ and therefore, should matter to us.
The world is in desperate need of the good news of the gospel of Christ but will never be reached if we are only willing to love those who are just like us.
So friends, open wide your eyes or squint if necessary, but look hard to see the beauty found in diversity. See the beauty and then share the good news of Jesus out of an abundant love for all people made in His image.
© Dani Hardy (January 25, 2019)